Valley Weekly - December 13, 2021-January 2, 2022

Fall 2021 Final Examinations
Monday-Sunday, December 13-19
Fall 2021 Final Examinations is being held from December 13-19, 2021. Students should check their course syllabus for the specific date and time for the final examination.
Need Help? Let our Welcome Center Assist You
The LAVC Welcome Center is ready to help you with class registration, answers to general questions, and much more! Get help in-person, online through Cranium Cafe, or by phone or email on Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m.-7 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
Open Classes for Winter 2022
Don't miss your chance to get ahead or prepare to transfer with a 5-week class this Winter. Classes start on January 4, 2022. We've added a bunch of new online class sections. Check our Winter 2022 Schedule of Classes to find open seats in:
- UC/CSU transferable General Education classes
- Career Technical Education
- non-credit
- classes with low or no cost textbooks
Register now using the Student Portal. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact our Welcome Center.
Now Enrolling for Spring 2022
Open Enrollment starts December 15
Earn a degree, transfer to a university, or start a new career with Spring classes starting on February 7, 2022. Check the Student Portal for your Spring registration date.
Choose from classes offered online, in-person or hybrid. Check our Spring 2022 Schedule of Classes to select by "Class Search Type":
- Online Synchronous: Interacting online with instructor at set times
- Online Asynchronous: Fully online, independent work
- In-Person: Face-to-face on-campus class with an instructor
- Hybrid: Face-to-face on-campus class with an online component
If you need registration assistance or help enrolling because of the COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement, contact our Welcome Center.
COVID-19 Testing Appointments for Students & Employees
Monday, December 13 from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. &
Tuesday, December 14 from 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Engineering 100 (view map)
Biocept is offering baseline and weekly COVID-19 testing at LA Valley College for students and employees (by appointment only) on Mondays and Tuesdays in Engineering 100. Schedule your appointment using your private Cleared4 account link that was send to your student email. For other testing locations/dates, check the Districtwide COVID Testing schedule. For more info, visit the LACCD Vaccination & Testing Requirements.
Theatre Open Auditions: The Blue Bird by Maurice Maeterlinck
Tuesday, December 14 from 3:30-6 p.m.,
Wednesday, December 15 from 3-6 p.m., &
Thursday, December 16 from 4-6 p.m.
Theater Arts Building (view map)
Calling all actors, singers and dancers! Open auditions for the LAVC Theater and Dance Department's production of The Blue Bird by Maurice Maeterlinck. Please prepared to present any or all of the following:
- Acting role auditions, prepare a 2-3 minute monologue from any play.
- Singing role auditions, prepare 16 bars from any song, preferably a contemporary pop or rock song (but anything will be fine!) You may bring a track as your accompaniment, you may accompany yourself, or you may sing acapella.
- Dancing role auditions, prepare a short (1 minute) dance to a song of your choosing. Please bring the track which accompanies your dance.
For more information on auditions, visit the Theater Arts Department Audition Info page or email Chris Coddington.
COVID-19 Vaccination & Booster Clinics
Saturday, December 18 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.,
Wednesday, December 22 from 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m., &
Wednesday, December 29 from 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Parking Lot A (view map)
Get your $150 Bookstore Gift Card with your vaccine dose! Stop by on-campus Vaccination & Booster Clinic on December 18, 22 and 29 in Parking Lot A. No appointment needed; all three vaccines and booster options are available. LAVC students and employees who get their vaccine dose or a booster on campus will receive a $150 gift card to the LAVC Bookstore.
Campus News
All LAVC students are eligible to get a free Metro GoPass to ride all buses and trains operated by Metro—for a year at no charge! Stop by the LAVC Business Office with your ID to pick up your pass.
The Valley Industry and Commerce Association (VICA) awarded Giovanni Divaia, a Business Administration student, the Rickey M. Gelb Scholarship at its 72nd Annual Meeting on December 10, 2021. As the only community college student to receive a scholarship, Giovanni was acknowledged for being president of the business club, ASU student treasurer, and an intern at AFT 1521.
Daily News columnist and LAVC alumnus Dennis McCarthy reminisced about his time at Valley College, and the how community colleges offer a solid beginning for higher education. Read the Daily News' "LA Valley College: It worked for this columnist in the ’60s — and it still works" article.
Arellano Carmona, a doctoral student in public health at UC Merced, credits LAVC biology instructors, Becky Green-Marroquin and Pamela Byrd-Williams, with encouraged her to do some volunteer work in the department and steered her to a summer research internship. Those activities ignited her interest in research. Read the With Fellowship, Grad Students Pay It Forward at Community College Level article by UC Merced News.
Upcoming Academic Dates & Deadlines
Winter 2022 - Open Enrollment
Until Monday, January 3
Spring 2022 - Open Enrollment Begins
Wednesday, December 15
Fall 2021 - Semester Ends
Sunday, December 19
NO CLASSES - Winter Break 2021
Monday, December 20 - Thursday, December 23
CAMPUS CLOSED - Winter Break 2021
Friday, December 24 - Monday, December 27
CAMPUS CLOSED - Winter Break 2021
Thursday, December 30 - Monday, January 3
Winter 2022 - Day and Evening Classes Begin
Tuesday, January 4
Spring 2022 - Day and Evening Classes Begin
Monday, February 7
Upcoming Events
January 1-3, 2022
Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC) is closed on Saturday-Monday, January 1-3 in observance of the New Year's Day holiday. Campus offices and services will reopen, and classes will start on Tuesday, January 4.
Tuesday, January 4
Los Angeles Valley College begins day and evening classes for Winter Session 2022. To register online, visit the Student Portal.
Tuesday, January 4 from 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m. in Engineering 100,
Monday, January 10 from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. in Engineering 100 &
Tuesday, January 11 from 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m. in Engineering 100
Biocept is offering COVID-19 testing at LA Valley College for students and employees (by appointment only) on Mondays and Tuesdays in Engineering 100. Schedule your appointment using your private Cleared4 account link that was send to your student email. For other testing locations/dates, check the Districtwide COVID Testing schedule. For more info, visit the LACCD Vaccination & Testing Requirements.
Wednesday, January 5 from 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. in Parking Lot A,
Wednesday, January 12 from 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. in Parking Lot A &
Wednesday, January 19 from 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. in Parking Lot A
LAVC is offering on-campus COVID-19 Vaccination & Booster Clinics to give students, employees and the public an opportunity to get their vaccine dose(s) and a booster. No appointment needed; all three vaccines options are available. LAVC students and employees who get vaccinated on campus will receive a $150 gift card to the LAVC Bookstore.
LACCD encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation, or have questions about the physical access provided, please use the links above to contact the event organizer as soon as possible, but no later than ten (10) business days prior to the event.